
Our team has a wealth of experience in research on gambling across disciplines and global case studies. Our research is interdisciplinary, policy-relevant, and theoretically informed. Our team’s research has been funded by a range of organisations including the Economic and Social Research Council, National Institute for Health Research, Wellcome Trust, British Academy and the Medical Research Council. Read more about some of our ongoing research projects below.

Economic and Social Research Council

Transitions to more harmful forms of gambling during Covid-19 pandemic: behaviours and targeted marketing in young people and bettors on sport.

The British Academy

Leisure or Livelihoods? A Participatory Study of Youth Perspectives on Gambling and its Social, Economic and Health Impacts in Ghana and Malawi.

National Institute for Health Research

Football Fans and Betting (FFAB): a feasibility study and randomised pilot trial of a group-based intervention to reduce gambling involvement among male football fans.

Medical Research Council

PRoGRAM-A: PReventing  Gambling RelAted  Harm in Adolescents. PRoGRAM-A is a peer-led, school-based education programme.